I spent 13 years producing substandard work -Dapo Omotosho

I spent 13 years producing substandard work -Dapo Omotosho

Naija Graphic Design is known for empowering designers with learning materials and platforms to enhance their skills and earn remarkably well. As a design-focused business, we understand the time and dedication required to produce valuable products for designers. That’s why when a respected design outfit like CorelDraw repeatedly makes the time to feature a graphic designer …we know it’s something special. 

However, Corel’s repeated selection isn’t an outstanding designer from afar but someone quite close to the NGD community. Today, we are excited to bring  Oladapo Omotosho, NGD’s brand designer and repeat choice for Corel Draw’s top feature on its socials.  

His selection amongst millions underscores the high standard of talent prevalent in the NGD community.

Join us as we delve into his repeated features by CorelDRAW, his insights on design topics, and discover more about his creative journey.

10 Questions With Oladapo Omotosho

1. What was it like being profiled by Corel Draw, how were you discovered?

Being profiled by CorelDraw is like checking off a long-time item on my bucket list. I’ve been a CorelDraw user since CorelDraw 6, and there was a time they featured a Nigerian artist—it was amazing. Since then, I’ve always looked forward to mastering the software and getting featured myself, so I added it to my design journey bucket list. I didn’t always tag them in my works, not until I fully mastered the software and created good pieces. When I finally did, I started tagging them, hoping to be featured one day.

The first time they discovered my illustration was when I was exploring a pseudo-3D style, and my first fun project was featured. Since then, I’ve had multiple features, and as a Nigerian, it makes me feel proud to represent.

The Singing rooster design, one of Oladapo many designs earning him a spot on CorelDraw ‘s featured list.

 2. Your most proud moment as a designer was when?

My proudest moment as a designer? Let me see… It was when I redesigned the Supreme logo. At that time, I was really honing my typography skills. When the project was handed to me by the design agency I work with, it was a bit intimidating at first. But after my first three sketches, I saw the last one and thought, “THIS IS IT!” Since 2021, that was it!

The revamped Supreme Icecream design as created by Oladapo Omotosho in 2021.

3.  So CoreDraw vs Photoshop which do you prefer?

Honestly, I don’t compare them because I find it illogical. CorelDraw is a versatile vector software, while Photoshop is a versatile raster software. I use both effectively, and they excel in different areas. For tasks like ‘line-bending,’ illustration, and shapes, I prefer CorelDraw. When I need raster editing capabilities, I turn to Photoshop. So, to me, they shouldn’t be compared.

4. What kickstarted your journey into design?

My dad’s influence played a significant role in my journey. He was an architect and an exceptionally talented illustrator. Watching him create beautiful things inspired me to pursue a similar path. I’ve always wanted to make beautiful things too, so I owe a lot to his influence.

Oladapo  Omotosho shows off his line-bending skills in this opossum image.

5. What’s your toughest design challenge and why?

My toughest design challenge came recently when I single-handedly completed a full event branding project for one of our agency’s clients. It was a daunting task filled with lots of sleepless nights, and I don’t pray to face such a challenge again… but it was fun.

6.  Your biggest mistake as a designer has been?

My biggest mistake was not accepting that I wasn’t a good designer when I started out. Instead of learning design principles, I thought knowledge of the software was enough. As a result, I spent 13 years producing substandard work.

The NGD brand guideline is currently administered by Oladapo chief designer at NGD.

7.  Is graphic design a sustainable practice?

Yes, it is possible if you know your stuff and meet the right people. But first, you need to know your craft and be good at it. It is a sustainable practice.

8. How do you get your clients?

 lol, this question! It’s more like clients come to me. Either they find me through my work online or via referrals. I’ve never actively sought out clients, but once they come, they stay. That’s the sustainable part of design—making clients stay because you did a good job.

Oladapo lends his illustration strength to American Multi-Logistics/Shopping Startup, Kubby.

9. You work at an agency. Do you think this is the best?

I think it is. Working in an agency helps you understand functional design. The practices you learn there will surely improve your freelancing. You’ll come to realize that design isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s about creating functional designs that solve problems.

10. Describe Oladapo in 3 words

Line-bender, Creative, Problem Solver

See More of Oladapo Omotosho’s work

It’s amazing determination helps you set goals and achieve them like Oladapo did with his feature on Corel Draw. His determination shows the grit designers should have in chasing their design dreams and earning decently from them. 

For More of Oladapo’s Works feel free to check out his portfolio on YouDesign. 

Oladapo Omotosho is a native of the NGD community and you can fuel your design tank with  more inspiring stories from other NGD designers here so you stay motivated.


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