Top Secrets to Getting Your Post Approved on NGD – Leonard Ifeanyi

Top Secrets to Getting Your Post Approved on NGD  – Leonard Ifeanyi

If you’re in the NGD space, showcasing your creative works for review is a core aspect of the community. However, like all online spaces, NGD has its own rules for publishing creative content, just like platforms such as Behance and Dribble

These rules help ensure that the community thrives and remains safe for all users. Here are some common rules for the popular platform Behance. Which one do you know?

Behance Community Guidelines:

  • Original Content: Upload only what you’ve created or have permission to share. Avoid using copyrighted material unless authorized.
  • Respectful Interaction: Engage with others respectfully, avoiding abusive, hateful, or discriminatory language.
  • Accurate Representation: Be honest about your project role and ensure proper credit is given where due.

These rules are crucial in maintaining the integrity and longevity of online groups, preventing closure or external intervention due to harmful activities.

It may sound strange, but unmoderated online communities can become threatening, escalating to issues of grave concern.

Three well-known cases where  lack of rules Broke Down Companies:

1. Myspace (Spam and Mismanagement)

  • What Went Wrong: Myspace allowed users to fully customize their pages without guidelines, resulting in spam, unregulated designs, and security risks.
  • Impact: Users became frustrated with cluttered pages and slow performance, leading to a mass exodus to platforms like Facebook, which had clearer rules and standards.

2. Reddit’s r/The_Donald (Unchecked Hate Speech)

  • What Went Wrong: Reddit initially allowed this subreddit to go unmoderated, resulting in hateful and inflammatory content.
  • Impact: The subreddit became a hub for extremism and harassment, eventually leading to its ban. However, by then, the damage to Reddit’s reputation and the broader community was done.

3. Yahoo Answers (Toxicity and Misinformation)

  • What Went Wrong: Yahoo Answers had little oversight or moderation, leading to rampant misinformation and trolling.
  • Impact: The site became a joke due to low-quality content, which ultimately led to its closure in 2021.

NGD adheres to global standards in publishing of posts to prevent such drastic outcomes. 

However, the rules for publishing the graphic design of members has faced some scrutiny, with claims of bias, tribalism, or favoritism in the moderation process.

To address this, we spoke with Leonard Ifeanyi, senior  NGD moderator and a key figure in content development. Leonard offers insights into how NGD moderators work, the criteria for approving or bouncing posts, and the exciting new initiatives planned for the community.

Beyond moderation, Leo is also a graphic designer and shares his thoughts on the controversial design fees in the industry, such as the infamous ₦2000 rates.

You know you’re in for a good time when you get a senior member of NGD in an interview! Read on to discover valuable tips for your design practice.

Here’s 10 Questions with Leo Ifeanyi: Secrets of NGD Moderation

  1. How did you come into NGD?

My journey with NGD began in 2018 when I had little to no knowledge of graphic design. A friend, who’s a talented comic illustrator, recognized my enthusiasm to learn and grow.

Due to his busy schedule, he recommended that I join the NGD Facebook group, saying: “Leo, I want you to join this group. You’ll find fellow designers who share your passion. It’s a great place to learn, but be warned – the group has high standards, and not every post gets accepted. You might not need to post at all; just observe and soak up the knowledge.” That’s how I discovered NGD, and it’s been a game-changer for me.

  1. What was your first experience of the group?

Ok, a few weeks after I joined the group, I was scrolling through my Facebook feed when I came across a post from the group. And as a proud member of the ‘Comment Reader Association (CRA)’ , I clicked on it to see what others were saying.

I saw a lot of criticism on the design and I was like “but this design looks ok.” I mean at my level of expertise, it was.

But then a comment from one of the admin caught my attention. He said (paraphrasing it) “This design looks like it was typed on MicroSoft Word”

At first, I laughed so hard, but then I realized the weight of their words. It was a wake-up call for me to improve my design skills. Even though the comment wasn’t directed at me, I gained valuable insight from it. From then on, I started paying closer attention to the group’s feedback and discussions.

  1. How did you graduate to becoming Moderator?

I’m often asked how I became a moderator. The story is a long one, but I’ll try to keep it brief.

In October 2021, Dapo (Oladapo Omotosho) posted a call for volunteers for the NGDx conference. I expressed interest, messaged him, and got accepted. At the conference, I met Julie, one of the group’s admins, and other team members.

Fast forward to April 4th, 2022, Julie posted about hiring community moderators. I applied, despite being unsure about the role. 

On April 15th, Julie called me to discuss my interest. I got accepted, and that’s how I became a moderator! Looking back, I think volunteering for the conference gave me an edge. I may be wrong, but then I’m grateful for the opportunity.

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  1. What’s the criteria for accepting posts abeg?

Ok, let’s settle this once and for all (lol). I’ll break it down into four key areas

 Originality This is a bit too raw. “Honestly, some design projects are lazily done. The designers of such projects don’t spend enough time thinking of creating differently and it shows. This approach is something we frown at at NGD. We want to see intentionality and originality in design projects.

Adherence to design principles – Does the design follow fundamental design principles like contrast, hierarchy, color theory for engaging designs and balance? You can shake things up a little by breaking the rules. But then again, it’s ideal to break what you can easily fix.

Creativity – It’s not enough for a design to follow the fundamental principles of design. What else? Does the design bring a fresh perspective? For crying out loud, there are 101 approaches to design. Think out of the box.

Technical quality – Is the design well-executed, with attention to detail and high-quality visuals?

It’s not enough to be creative, let your creativity be well-executed. Nobody puts fine wine in a dirty cup.

  1. Is the group in any way toxic?

The thing is, the number 6 can be seen as 9 too, depending on the perspective one sees it from. That being said, from my perspective, no, the group is not in any way toxic.

We do have high standards, and we’re strict about maintaining quality. We encourage members to push themselves beyond mediocrity.

The group is not a place where a 9 year old is expecting a pat on the back for reading ABCD. 

  1. Is it possible designs are accepted based on personal taste?

Absolutely not! I used to think that too, before becoming a moderator. Now I know better.

The truth is, if your work meets all the criteria, it’ll be approved – no question. If not, you’ll know why.

As a moderator, I’ve learned to set aside my personal preferences and make objective decisions based on the guidelines. My judgment is not clouded by personal bias. I ensure that every design is evaluated fairly and solely on its merit. 

  1. Your top 3 moments as admin?

1.The moment when a member shares their achievement or success story, it warms my heart.

2.Recently, we achieved a remarkable milestone: 300,000! The feeling was incredible. It’s a testament to the fact that our collective efforts as a team are yielding fruit.

3.The moment when we collectively overcome a challenge or achieve a shared goal, it’s a truly fulfilling experience. A perfect example is the success of last year’s NGDX.   

  1. What’s your take on the 2k design thing? Is it a growth phase or a problem?

In my opinion, it’s a problem. I believe the root cause stems from the circumstances under which many of us began our graphic design journeys.

Personally, I started graphic design at a computer training center, where I was taught to use CorelDraw. I faced the common income challenges faced by designers because I didn’t realize it was a valuable skill that could command high pay. It took my involvement with NGD and a deliberate effort to invest in my growth to break free from this mentality.

Consider someone who invests in valuable courses like our upcoming Masterclass – they would certainly charge better

  1. What’s the NGD TalentPro masterclass all about?

It’s a transformative 3-week program designed specifically for professional designers, offering a unique opportunity to learn from industry leaders and visionaries. Design is ever-evolving there’s Artificial intelligence vs graphic designers and it’s in a constant phase of growth and change. What sets exceptional designers apart and what propels them to the next phase is their commitment to continuous learning and knowledge acquisition.

Trust me, the Masterclass is fully loaded! Attendees will have the chance to learn from creatives with proven experience like Laolu Obende and Daniel Emeka, real-world examples, and hands-on exercises will dominate the class to help equip Pro designers with the skills and knowledge to take their design career to the next level.

  1. What areas would you love to see improved on the group?

While our group is thriving, I’d love to see improvement in a few areas. I’d like to see more activity and engagement within the group. We hope to achieve this by: Introducing new discussion formats, like live sessions or Q&As, Hosting more regular events, webinars, or workshops, and more.  

Better Luck Next Time

Is your submission being constantly rejected? Have you uploaded your work multiple times only for it to be declined? Leo’s tips might just be the secret sauce you need to finally break through!

Bonus: Exciting News for NGD Members

Did you catch the part about creative learning? NGD is hosting the one-of-a-kind Q3 Masterclasses within the next couple of weeks and also the NGDX Creative Conference soon! 

Access the early start dates and more juicy details when you sign up for our exclusive newsletter. 

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