2023 graphic design trends : what will dominate and why 

2023 graphic design trends : what will dominate and why 

The Graphic design trends for 2023 like the previous trends before it, are influenced by social happenings; in 2022, design trends were more conservative in response to the pandemic and in 2023, trends are futuristic as virtual reality gains ground. Think metaverse and you get an idea of how assertive the virtual world is becoming. 

There are other contenders as well, namely: inclusive photography and the timeless but much appreciated minimalism design trend. 

Below are 8 graphic design trends you should expect for 2023

1.Virtual reality.

Source: Adobe.com

The ability to craft worlds beyond our physical reality is growing and the marketplace for virtual products is immense. Virtual products aren’t just a craze for developed countries; developing ones like Nigeria are buying into the virtual landscape with indigenous companies like Akowe  offering blockchain solutions for storing credentials. 

These activities create a demand for a style unique to the virtual landscape and designers aren’t running shy of this challenge in 2023.We can expect to see more virtual designs in 2023 as more companies both existing and new turn towards digitizing their offerings. 

source: pexels.com

Want to get started with the virtual reality trend? Start with some futuristic fonts


Source: Eslam mhd

Following virtual designs is the integration of 3d elements i.e 3 shaped dimensional objects made to look larger than life. 

This trend isn’t just limited to digital artwork, architectural works benefit from them too. The appeal for 3d designs is in its realism which presents predictions in an almost finished state. 

Strangely, some years ago 3d as a trend would have been impossible! But today with easy 3D rendering softwares like Tinkercad  more people are producing concepts in forms that appear realistic and scream touch me!.

3.AI Generated images

Source: Steve Johnson/ Unsplash

In 2022 image generating software DALL-E were introduced into the creative space. 

 It’s ability to generate images based on queries called prompts made them a useful tool for creating imaginative artwork. Companies like Heinz already use DALL-E for their marketing campaigns and a look at the images reveal one thing- AI generated images aren’t knock overs.  

While many creatives increasingly ask if AI is a threat to their jobs? Companies like Microsoft and Notion are increasingly integrating art generating machines into their programs. 

AI image generators are already winning photo competitions. We can expect their use to increase in 2023. 

Concerned about AI replacing graphic designers? Don’t be. Their use will certainly increase in 2023 but for a long time to come the design mind for ideation will be a dominant trend. 

4.Motion graphics

source: justcreative.com

Away from algorithm generated art, is a trend that’s not  influenced not by social revolution or technology but by marketing – motion graphics.

According to a survey of 3.7 million people, tweets containing motion content like Gifs received 55% percent more engagement rate and emails with dynamic visuals received 73 percent more engagement rate. 

2023 will be a steep year for marketers as they compete for attention in a distracting environment .To solve this problem, motion content is touted as the eye grabbing technique able to help marketers captivate the attention of prospects

You can expect to see more motion content across your screen in 2023. 

Source:: Galvanize action

Want to get ready with making simple gifs with high marketing impact. Check out our easy tutorials on how to make a gif in photoshop. 

5.Inclusive visuals. 

Source: gettyimages

As said earlier trends are a result of social happenings and a most notable happening following cases like the George Flyod murder case in 2020 is inclusivity.Every brand in tandem with this trend is  now eager to show its diversity. I

It’s common to see brands portray marginalized sections of the society utilizing their products; Google continually includes people in situations we don’t expect and others like Mastercard in its blind touchcard campaign feature sections of the population struggling with difficulties e.g Blindness.

Famous African brand Sheleads Africa is also famous for its use of inclusive imagery to drive home it’s inclusive stand. 

As brands become  more conscious of representing the struggling members of society, inclusive photography is only set to rise in 2023. 

6.Bold abstract shapes

Source: Justcreative

Bold abstract shapes are a graphic design trend set to dominate 2023. They provide an extra layer of texture to designs without distracting users from key content. Their abstract nature looks edgy and is favored by brands looking for a modern appeal. 

source: Fairmoney.ng

Fairmoney, a Nigerian loan company, uses Abstract shapes on its webpage to create an interesting but distraction-free background. 


Source: awwards

Minimalism isn’t a new design style but it is a design trend that will linger beyond 2022.Why is that? 

Simple…minimalism is timeless and there are very few trends that offer a decluttered design that says one thing at a time!

In a world where distractions are normal, minimalism remains a breath of fresh air.


Source: Pavlov

Personalized experiences and closer connections to customers are few of the reasons illustrations are used by brands.  

No one knows how illustrations came to be a timeless trend but their most notable breakthrough was in 2017 from slack and Facebook  during their  branding activities. Fast forward to 2022 and forward thinking are utilizing illustrations for adding personal touches to their messaging for communicating in a fun manner. 

Want to incorporate illustrations in your next design projects? Then check out our guide to the best sites for free illustrations.  

Will following a design trend help you create a memorable brand? Will it help you stand out or stand in? Or should you exercise creative freedom?

The answer lies in the objective. Design trends reflect the times we live and certain projects will demand that designs are tied to this reality.

A good  example of designs tied to reality is Osmond Tshuma’s ‘Colonial Bastard’ typeface, created to depict the dark side of colonialism. Another example would be olayekan juliofous who portrays states like Lagos in a futuristic setting to depict the effect of urbanization in Africa. 

Whether you favor a design trend or not, knowing the design trends set to rock 2023 is a safe guide to breaking them. 

  1. Virtual reality
  2. 3D
  3. AI Generated Images
  4. Motion graphics
  5. Inclusive visuals
  6. Bold abstract shapes
  7. Minimalism
  8. Retro-Illustrations


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