“why remote working is better” Years ago we wouldn’t consider this a question as remote work was a rare exception and work an office thing!
But the rapid developments in communication technology has created the possibility for employers to interact virtually with their employees, through various communications platforms like skype, Zoom, WebEx, Slack etc. which have removed the necessity for physical workspaces and offer numerous advantages.
Businesses are turning towards remote work
For businesses like IBM remote work offers the opportunity to cut down on expenses as high as $100 million annually since there are no expenses like rents and utilities to pay for. In addition to this is also the opportunity to select from a wider pool of talented candidates rather than restrict themselves to only candidates within their geographical location.
With such advantages it wouldn’t be a surprise if as a designer whose work can be done from anywhere your next job turns out to be remote and if you are reading this via NGD it means you are already involved in the remote workforce or considering joining one.
Source :Pexels-Ketut Subiyanto:
Here are the advantages sure to come your way:
1 Productivity:
Productivity boost is the main answer to “why remote working is better”
Designers working in 9-5 Setting force themselves to remain creative throughout their working hours regardless of their mental state.
Remote work is a flexible solution to this. Yes, you will still have to work at least 6 hours but you can do all this within working hours convenient for you, and since distractions like colleague chatter are absent there’s more room for concentration. check out this survey by ConnectSolutions which gives you an idea on how well the productivity rate of workers improves when they work remotely.
2 No commuting
Commuting is a part of traditional work life that can’t be avoided and only a few have the opportunity of spending less than an hour to get to work.
The majority would however spend their energy during their 1-2 hours commute and arrive their work places exhausted. In addition to this energy sapping routine is the commute cost
Remote working saves you from this practice as you can dodge the commute life and save up transport by working from your home.
3 Access a wider pool of employment:
When searching for places to work the usual practice is to search for places within your locality due to distance barrier as you might not want the fuss of relocating, plus hiring managers prefer candidates who don’t need to relocate. Due to this predicament you unfortunately miss out on all the awesome opportunities outside your locale. Well Remote working remedies this situation by allowing workers to work from any geographical location provided they have a stable internet connection.
For a designer you can finally work with agencies outside your locality with remote tools like Zoom. A good example is the NGD platform where you work on juicy projects beyond your locality.
4 Work-life balance:
With the absence of commuting hours and distraction free zones remote workers are able to save up on time and use this to catch up on non-work related tasks. This isn’t possible in traditional work settings where the average worker spends most of his day commuting to work, and returning back from it!
Remote workers find it hard to measure productivity

With the option to work from home Most remote workers usually find it hard to measure productivity or to stay productive due to the prevailing comfort existing in these places.
Remote work is best with a strict schedule and a means to measure productivity. You can do this by setting a to do list or a timer to gauge how much time was spent achieving your target.
If it turns out that productivity is low then try considering working out of home, maybe at a conducive public place near you like a coffee shop or a public workplace where office conditions are simulated.
Before jumping into remote work here are questions to ask yourself.
Source: Pexels Ketut Subiyanto
Can I thrive in an isolated working role?
In a remote condition you would be without supervision and rely mostly on initiative. So if you need repeated clarification on briefs, remember You don’t have a supervisor next door whom you can walk up to for more explanations on a client brief. Consider if you can cope under these situations before signing up for a remote job.
How productive can I be at home?
Evaluate how much discipline you can summon up in order to work as well as you would do in an office under supervision. As remote working always places convenience at your fingertips and this might be too tempting for many. You might find yourself facing the temptation of working from your matrass on a pajama which is a no-no for productivity.
Remote work is the new normal
Remote working has been the working trend since as early as 2018 where 50 percent of the American workforce where in some form of remote work or the other but with the break of the corona virus this numbers have grown remarkably.
There are various reason why remote working is better. But the truth is it’s the new normal! More people are embracing it and its benefits are endless.